Hello, World!

Road winding through fall forest. The leaves of the trees are green, orange, red, and yellow.

Hello, World! Once upon a time, I had a blog. It was so fun for me, but after a rough year, I stopped and didn’t pick it up again. Then I got sick. Again. My plate suddenly got really full trying to manage a serious, life-altering disease. It was really easy to narrow my world and just focus on that. 

Then, earlier this year I attended an amazing rare disease conference and was inspired to share my voice. So here I am, being brave and sharing my voice again. 

My adventures in crafting, especially paper crafting, began at 13/14 when I got very sick and missed a lot of school. As a child, I loved walking the aisles of office supply stores. The pens! The highlighters! The rulers! The planners! The paper! All the organization helps! Oh goodness, it’s a really good thing I didn’t know about or go into craft stores. I would have fainted from pure joy. Smart move, Mom! Ha! 

But then, my mom claims she made the “worst mistake of her life*” when she bought me a pack of fancy printed scrapbook papers, scissors, and glue to keep me entertained while I was sick. My obsession with scrapbooking, documenting life, and crafting began. I could turn that paper into anything my imagination could think of, just using scissors and glue! 

It took a long time to figure out what made me sick when I was 13/14, but in 2015, 16 years later, I finally got answers when I was diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) after a series of worsening allergic reactions, including several rounds of anaphylaxis. Since then we’ve also found out that I have dysautonomia (likely POTS, but I was having a good day when we did the testing), and a Primary Immunodeficiency (Specific Antibody Deficiency). Basically all this means my immune system is broken in a few different ways and I’m taking on a lot of medications to keep me from going into anaphylaxis. Good times!

I craft to keep myself sane as I deal with my complicated body. And I try to get out and adventure when my body is up to it. The photo above is from a recent drive up a canyon to see the fall foliage. So beautiful!

So, Hello World! I hope you’ll join me and follow along!

*that’s an accurate quote I’ve heard multiple times, hahaha!