Finding My Voice

Photo of the 400+ Rare Disease Legislative Advocates. Photo courtesy of EveryLife Foundation.

I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe I’m allowed to have a voice. Actually, believing I have a voice isn’t the problem. Its believing I have a voice worth listening to…that’s where I struggle. Believing that my experience has value to others and that sharing it can help others is a little mind-blowing to me.

I grew up very stubborn (my mom just burst out laughing). I had no problem voicing my opinion, particularly when it was contrary to a parent. A trait neither of my parents appreciated. Ha.

Eventually, I learned sometimes screaming your opinion doesn’t convince people you’re right (who knew?!). And so I shut up. Literally. I just stopped sharing my opinion. No one seemed to care what I thought, so why even bother? If there was a group of people talking, I was generally ignored, talked over, put down, or interrupted when I spoke up. So I just stopped. Even now, if there’s a group of people, I probably won’t say anything, unless it’s my family or very close friends. 

Earlier this year I stepped WAY out of my comfort zone and went to the Rare Disease Legislative Advocates conference in Washington DC where the whole point was to share my story with members of Congress and their staffers. WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING?! 

The Nevada Advocates “momma bears” and I on the Capitol Building Steps between meetings with Legislators.

As terrifying as it was, it was also incredibly empowering and liberating. I met incredible people using their voices to make actual changes in their home states that impacted real people. I was partnered with an older gentleman that was also from Utah, and we were grouped with three incredible mothers from Las Vegas who created organizations to support the Sickle Cell patient community in Nevada. 

Watching these 4 individuals share their stories of how they’ve taken the hardest things life has thrown at them and they’ve turned them into a crusade to benefit others was awe-inspiring and powerful. 

Other Masties and I! It was so fun to meet them in person and hear their stories. And be reminded that I’m not alone in my struggles. And isn’t that why we share our stories?

I was also able to meet other people with the same condition as me! It was amazing! And we bonded over our bodies’ mutual disdain for direct sunlight and chlorine (swimming is generally a no-go for me, lol). 

My story matters. Sharing my story matters too. 

Your story matters. Sharing your story matters too. Find a platform to share your story. Maybe it’s telling your kids (or nieces and nephews) verbally about your grand adventures as a child to them as they fall asleep at night. Maybe it’s a scrapbook or photo album. Maybe it’s a Facebook post, a blog, an online video. Maybe it’s a private journal. Maybe it’s shouting it from the rooftops. 

The how doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you share what makes you, YOU. Share what matters to you. Share why it matters. 

Actually it was this conference and sharing my story that reminded me how much I’ve missed sharing. That I’ve missed having a blog. A place to tell my story. Share my triumphs and hilarious missteps. So here we are. 

I am here. 

I have a voice. 

And I’m going to share my story.

Hello, World!

Road winding through fall forest. The leaves of the trees are green, orange, red, and yellow.

Hello, World! Once upon a time, I had a blog. It was so fun for me, but after a rough year, I stopped and didn’t pick it up again. Then I got sick. Again. My plate suddenly got really full trying to manage a serious, life-altering disease. It was really easy to narrow my world and just focus on that. 

Then, earlier this year I attended an amazing rare disease conference and was inspired to share my voice. So here I am, being brave and sharing my voice again. 

My adventures in crafting, especially paper crafting, began at 13/14 when I got very sick and missed a lot of school. As a child, I loved walking the aisles of office supply stores. The pens! The highlighters! The rulers! The planners! The paper! All the organization helps! Oh goodness, it’s a really good thing I didn’t know about or go into craft stores. I would have fainted from pure joy. Smart move, Mom! Ha! 

But then, my mom claims she made the “worst mistake of her life*” when she bought me a pack of fancy printed scrapbook papers, scissors, and glue to keep me entertained while I was sick. My obsession with scrapbooking, documenting life, and crafting began. I could turn that paper into anything my imagination could think of, just using scissors and glue! 

It took a long time to figure out what made me sick when I was 13/14, but in 2015, 16 years later, I finally got answers when I was diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) after a series of worsening allergic reactions, including several rounds of anaphylaxis. Since then we’ve also found out that I have dysautonomia (likely POTS, but I was having a good day when we did the testing), and a Primary Immunodeficiency (Specific Antibody Deficiency). Basically all this means my immune system is broken in a few different ways and I’m taking on a lot of medications to keep me from going into anaphylaxis. Good times!

I craft to keep myself sane as I deal with my complicated body. And I try to get out and adventure when my body is up to it. The photo above is from a recent drive up a canyon to see the fall foliage. So beautiful!

So, Hello World! I hope you’ll join me and follow along!

*that’s an accurate quote I’ve heard multiple times, hahaha!