About Megan

Megan standing in front of a bus in front of a building with an excited look on her face
Megan wears a pair of sunglasses and has an excited look on her face. She stands in front of a bus in front of an airport.
Hello! I’m excited you’re here! (I was also really excited to have landed in D.C. for my first trip there in this photo! haha!)

Hello! I’m Megan! Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

I am a chronic crafter.

I have several chronic illnesses.

These are my stories.


If that’s not enough…here a few fun facts about me: 

  • If I could respond to people only in gifs or memes, even in person, life would be amazing. My family is constantly annoyed. Like above, I really wanted to include a video/sound from a certain long-running legal crime show. Hahaha!
  • I am a craft lover! Paper is my favorite medium, but I’ve dabbled in all sorts of things. Check out my “In the Studio” section to see what I’ve been working on! You can also check out my shop to see what’s available for purchase!
  • I own 17 pairs of scissors (and growing). Most of them have different purposes. It’s hard not to buy more.
  • I am diagnosed with a rare disease called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Dysautonomia, Primary Immunodeficiency (Specific Antibody Deficiency–Yes, it’s abbreviated to SAD, and yes, my family had a field day when I was diagnosed with “SAD” hahaha!), Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), arthritis, anemia, asthma, neuropathy in my arms and legs, and sleep apnea. The list will probably keep growing. Thanks, body!
  • Quick primer on MCAS: A specific type of immune cell (the mast cell) likes to freak out randomly and be waaay over-dramatic about just about anything and that leads to a wide range of reactions–from minor allergic reactions to severe ones–anaphylaxis. Yeah, I have had anaphylaxis to just breathing. That was a fun one. The condition is terribly complicated. Read my “Chronically Awesome” section to learn about my life with MCAS. It’s a party in my body all.the.time! And no, there’s no cure for the condition–they are all chronic conditions. Also, #benadrylismywindex
    • NOTE: Please don’t suggest your mother’s uncle’s cousin’s dog’s yoga instructor’s neighbor’s had that and tried this one thing and it, like totally, cured them! I have an excellent team of expert doctors who are trained in my conditions (a rare blessing!) and they are doing all they can to keep me as healthy as possible. But thank you for wanting to try to help! xoxo 🙂
  • My bachelor’s degree is in Biology emphasizing in cellular and molecular biology with a minor in Psychology. May not be handy at work (except to keep my plants alive), but it suddenly became really useful after my diagnosis of MCAS.
  • I am a plant lover!
  • I love adventures when I’m up for them. Check out my latest!
  • I love weird looking animals like moose (moosen?), penguins, llamas, and platypuses. Don’t know why, but I always have!
  • I’m originally from California, but not by the beach, and no, I don’t know celebrities. I’m from a farm in Northern California. 
  • I now live in Utah, and in a big twist, I like it, as long as the snow stays in the mountains.

– megan