Margaret’s Butterflies Storybook

Page of Margaret' Butterflies Paper Children's Storybook

I love family stories. As a child, being told family stories anchored and tied me to something bigger than myself. The stories told me who I was when I wasn’t sure how I fit into the world. They helped me navigate a really hard time. The most meaningful story to me was that of Margaret’s Butterflies. 

When I started having nieces and nephews, I knew I wanted them to have this same connection to our family that I had–that they were loved so much by so many that had come before them. And as a book lover, I thought making a cute storybook would be a way to share the story with them. 

The first storybook I wanted to make was was about Grandma Margaret Bryson. She’s my 4th Great Grandmother and a complete inspiration to me. I can’t wait to meet her on the other side of the veil.

This is part of her story

The original book is made of scrapbook paper scraps I had. Part of my goal with this project was to only use materials I already had on hand. Fortunately, I had my favorite tool to help me: my trusty Silhouette Cameo.

Supplies used:
How I Made the Book

To create a copy of the book, I took photos of the pages and uploaded them to Shutterfly and created an 8×8” photobook. You can see the finished photo book here, and even order a copy for yourself (no, I don’t get anything from the sale of the book from Shutterfly and make sure you look for a coupon, sometimes you can get the book for free and just pay shipping).

As I’ve shared this story with people, it’s been fun to “meet” cousins– other of Margaret’s butterflies– and be able to share this story with them. Some of them didn’t know about the events in the story. 

I’ve loved sharing this story with the next generation. My nieces and nephews have loved learning about their family and knowing how they fit into our family.

How can you learn and share stories about your ancestors?

Check out two other stories I’ve written: “The Popcorn Farmer” & “The Golden Ship

Hello, World!

Road winding through fall forest. The leaves of the trees are green, orange, red, and yellow.

Hello, World! Once upon a time, I had a blog. It was so fun for me, but after a rough year, I stopped and didn’t pick it up again. Then I got sick. Again. My plate suddenly got really full trying to manage a serious, life-altering disease. It was really easy to narrow my world and just focus on that. 

Then, earlier this year I attended an amazing rare disease conference and was inspired to share my voice. So here I am, being brave and sharing my voice again. 

My adventures in crafting, especially paper crafting, began at 13/14 when I got very sick and missed a lot of school. As a child, I loved walking the aisles of office supply stores. The pens! The highlighters! The rulers! The planners! The paper! All the organization helps! Oh goodness, it’s a really good thing I didn’t know about or go into craft stores. I would have fainted from pure joy. Smart move, Mom! Ha! 

But then, my mom claims she made the “worst mistake of her life*” when she bought me a pack of fancy printed scrapbook papers, scissors, and glue to keep me entertained while I was sick. My obsession with scrapbooking, documenting life, and crafting began. I could turn that paper into anything my imagination could think of, just using scissors and glue! 

It took a long time to figure out what made me sick when I was 13/14, but in 2015, 16 years later, I finally got answers when I was diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) after a series of worsening allergic reactions, including several rounds of anaphylaxis. Since then we’ve also found out that I have dysautonomia (likely POTS, but I was having a good day when we did the testing), and a Primary Immunodeficiency (Specific Antibody Deficiency). Basically all this means my immune system is broken in a few different ways and I’m taking on a lot of medications to keep me from going into anaphylaxis. Good times!

I craft to keep myself sane as I deal with my complicated body. And I try to get out and adventure when my body is up to it. The photo above is from a recent drive up a canyon to see the fall foliage. So beautiful!

So, Hello World! I hope you’ll join me and follow along!

*that’s an accurate quote I’ve heard multiple times, hahaha!